Warhammer LVO Unveilings – Comprehensive Overview of Las Vegas Open Reveals

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Warhammer LVO Reveals – All the Reveals of the Las Vegas Open

Did you happen to miss the recent stream showcasing the latest updates across all Games Workshop systems? Fret not, as we’ve got you covered with a comprehensive overview of the Warhammer LVO Reveals.

It’s been four months since Games Workshop’s last major reveal stream, and the World Championships of Warhammer treated fans to some exciting surprises, including the return of the Summerking, the introduction of a formidable new Kill Team, and the unveiling of new Dark Angels figures. Now, as the Las Vegas Open, one of the largest independent Warhammer events, unfolds on Friday, it’s time for another round of revelations. Here’s a detailed breakdown of everything showcased in the reveal stream on the official Warhammer Twitch channel.

Warhammer LVO
Warhammer LVO (Credits: ETSNN)

Warhammer LVO Reveals – Everything Showcased on the Reveal Stream

Warhammer 40k Kill Team N – Drukhari Mandrakes

The Night Lords Chaos Space Marine Kill Team was initially revealed at the World Championships of Warhammer. Now, their adversaries, the Drukhari, enter the scene with plastic Mandrakes, playable in both Warhammer 40k and Kill Team. This new Dark Eldar kit features unique models in Kill Team with distinct poses and special abilities.

Warhammer 40k Kill Team New Terrain – The Generatorium

With the new season of Kill Team, a centerpiece terrain piece named the Generatorium makes its debut, enhancing the skirmish game of 40k for both small and large versions of the 41st millennium.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warcry – New Boxed Set with Lumineth Realmlords and Nighthaunt Warbands

Lumineth Realm-lords – Ydrilan Riverblades

The Temple of Water makes its Warcry debut with the Ydrilan Riverblades, an elite force of Lumineth warriors. They exhibit grace and agility, swiftly maneuvering around opponents in both Warcry and Age of Sigmar.

Nighthaunt – Pyregheists

The Pyregheists, former temple guardians and defenders of sacred places, join the Nighthaunt army, serving as a fiery Warband in Warcry. Once monks and warriors in life, Nagash claimed their souls to continue their service beyond death.

Seraphon Terrain Piece – Idol of the Old Ones

Infused with magical power, the Idol of the Old Ones, crafted from gold and jade, serves as a magnificent centerpiece for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Warcry.

New Warband Tome

All the new rules will be available in the upcoming Warband Tome, accompanying the Nighthaunt and Lumineth Warbands.

Warhammer 40k – Some Auxiliaries to help the T’au Empire

The long-awaited update for the T’au Empire brings new plastic models for their significant auxiliaries, the Kroot. The refreshed Carnivores form the core of any Kroot Detachment, led by the new Kroot Flesh Shaper and the tactical War Shaper. Additionally, the introduction of Krootox Rampagers provides T’au with cavalry support.

This is only half of the new Kroot models, available in the Kroot Hunting Pack Army Set and the upcoming T’au Codex, catering to players interested in building a purely Kroot army.

Warhammer LVO
Warhammer LVO (Credits: Bell Of Lost Souls)

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – The Daughters of Khaine receive reinforcements in the new Dawnbringer Force

Krethusa the Croneseer, the latest Epic Hero for the Daughters of Khaine, represents Morathi’s distrust of the Aelves. This unique miniature serves as both a throwback and a continuation of the Daughters of Khaine narrative, available in the upcoming Dawnbringer box for Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar – Book V Shadow of the Crone

Krethusa takes center stage in the 5th Dawnbringers book, set in the city of Hammerhal. Alongside a group of Age of Sigmar heroes, they strive to thwart the forces of evil. The book includes a new box of Agents of Azyr featuring named characters and heroes from various factions.

Warhammer Underworlds – Zondara’s Gravebreakers

A tragic tale unfolds in the new Underworld band, Zondara’s Gravebreakers, representing the Grand Alliance of Death. The necromancer Zondara seeks to save her lost love, the werewolf, with impressive new models and rules.

Warhammer The Horus Heresy – The Solar Auxilia Are Here!

The most significant release of plastic kits for Warhammer 30k is unveiled with the arrival of the Solar Auxilia. These warriors fight alongside the Space Marines Legions, representing the pinnacle of humanity and the proto-imperial Guard. However, their vulnerability to Chaos adds a unique dynamic, allowing them to be played as Heretics.

The Lasrifle Section provides support to Space Marines, while the Tactical Command Section leads from the front, issuing orders to Solar Auxilia squads. The Aethon Heavy Sentinel, a versatile vehicle with various weapon options, marks the debut of a new addition to the Solar Auxilia forces. The Leman Russ Strike Tanks and the Leman Russ Assault Tank bring new plastic kits, offering diverse options for 30k Guard players.

The Veletaris Storm Section, a specialized unit, excels in close-quarters combat, wielding axes and guns with formidable force. The Malcador Heavy Tank, a larger sibling of the Leman Russ, offers substantial firepower and support.

To kickstart a Solar Auxilia army, all the revealed models will be available in a comprehensive boxed set.

And that concludes the highlights of the Las Vegas Open reveals! Warhammer 30k players and Kroot enthusiasts have much to look forward to, with notable additions for Kill Team and Age of Sigmar players as well. Keep an eye on ESTNN for further details as these exciting new releases become available for purchase in the coming months.

Bence “Atreus” Loksa, a freelance journalist and League of Legends shoutcaster, passionately covers esports and gaming, engaging in various titles such as Call of Duty, VALORANT, and Warhammer 40,000, where he’s building his Leagues of Votann army.

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By James Brown

A passionate and driven individual currently pursuing a Bachelor of Technology (BTech) degree in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE). Born on 06 February, hails from Raipur, where their journey into the world of technology and creativity began.

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