Curiosity Arises: Why Isn’t the Lieutenant Colonel Bodybuilder Subject to Steroid Testing?

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“How Doesn’t He Get Tested for Steroids?”: Bodybuilder Honored With the Rank of Lieutenant Colonel Leaves Fans Baffled

Several individuals in the IFBB Pro League demonstrate a remarkable balance between their passion for bodybuilding and their full-time careers, ranging from military service to financial executive roles. Charjo Grant, a prominent figure in the bodybuilding world, exemplifies the dedication that extends beyond the stage and the gym.

Formerly an outside linebacker at Newberry College, Charjo Grant transitioned to the Army National Guard through the ROTC program, where he has served since 2002.

His commitment to both bodybuilding and military service is a central aspect of his life, providing purpose and fulfillment. Recently, Grant received recognition for his unwavering dedication to the army.

Charjo Grant
Charjo Grant (Credits: White Lion Labs)

The official Mr. Olympia page shared a series of photos posted by Charjo Grant on their official Instagram account. The first and second images capture the proud moment of Grant being promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. The third and fourth photos depict him in full military uniform before taking the oath.

A subsequent photo portrays the entire scene as Grant gives the oath, expressing his gratitude in the caption, “To God Be The Glory 🙏🏾🫡. Finally…… We Have Pinned The Rank Of Lieutenant Colonel. Extremely Honoured And Blessed To Serve At This Level.” He extends his thanks to his family, acknowledging their unwavering support.

Concluding his post, Grant expresses appreciation to his friends who joined in celebrating the occasion, stating, “Thank You To All Of My Friends For Coming Out To Help Me Celebrate This Momentous Occasion! Forever Grateful 🙏🏾🙌🏾🫡.” While the majority of his followers celebrated his achievement, some also brought up past controversies.

Charjo Grant’s accolade received a mixed response from followers. Many in the fitness community were thrilled, leaving comments like, “Moving on up 🫡” and “Congrats my friend.” One follower even complimented Grant’s physique, humorously noting, “The most jacked LTC ever 😂😂😂.”

However, controversies regarding potential steroid use surfaced, with some questioning the lack of testing and others expressing skepticism.

Despite the debates, it is evident that Charjo Grant has excelled in both bodybuilding and military service, underscoring his hard work and achievements. Share your thoughts on this bodybuilding icon in the comments section below!


By Michael Smith

Hi. Hailing from Manila, I am an avid consumer of anime, gaming, football and professional wrestling. You can mostly find me either writing articles, binging shows or engaged in an engrossing discussion about the said interests.

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