Mike McDaniel’s advice following the Harrison Butker controversy: “Whatever you’re going to say, make sure you believe it”

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Mike McDaniel talks to media in a press conference

This week, Chiefs coach Andy Reid is expected to talk to reporters. He’ll likely be asked about the recent remarks from kicker Harrison Butker, which caused controversy and calls for him to be cut on one side and a backlash against Cancel Culture on the other.

On Tuesday, Dolphins coach Mike McDaniel was asked about the Butker situation. Specifically, how does McDaniel handle political issues that come up in the locker room?

“I think you do have to open the eyes of the players to their platform if they’re new to the situation,” McDaniel told reporters. “I think you have to understand that what you say publicly can be fragmented and last with you forever.

I really emphasize that whatever you’re going to say, you better believe it.

Harrison Butker answers media questions

You just try to educate people to understand the consequences of whatever they do. They have the freedom of choice, and if they want to go that direction, go right ahead.”

McDaniel is right. When you express political opinions, make sure you truly believe them, because they will stick with your public image.

This is unless you constantly change your views to fit your current agenda, making it hard for anyone to remember what you originally said.

The best perspective I’ve seen on the Butker situation came from Jon Stewart earlier this week. It’s worth spending 15 minutes on, as it cuts through much of the performative nonsense in today’s political conversations.


By Ritik

Ritik Katiyar is pursuing a post-graduate degree in Pharmaceutics. Currently, he lives in Srinagar, Uttarakhand, India. You can find him writing about all sorts of listicle topics. A pharmaceutical postgrad by day, and a content writer by night. You can write to him at [email protected]

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